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Pan Li

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Pan Li
Research Assistant
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Education Background

2009-2013 Bachelor, Qilu University of Technology, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Material Chemistry

2016-2018 Master, Harbin Institute of Technology, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Materials Physics and Chemistry.

Work Experience

2013.09-2016.06  Computing Center of Qilu University of Technology


Principal:Yunfeng Dong

Main job:Responsible for computer hardware maintenance and software update.

2018.04-2018.07  Tsinghua-Berkeley Shenzhen Institute

Principal:Shaohua Ma

Main job:Mainly worked on preparing DNA and organic flexible composites.

2018.07.10-Now  Hangzhou Tan Ling Nano Technology Co., Ltd.,


Principal:Richard Zhao

Main job:Mainly engaged in the research and development of carbon nanotube fiber materials.


[1] Li P, Chen Z, Huang Y, et al. pH Responsive Fluorescent Probe Based on Dye modified i-Motif Nucleic Acids[J]. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 2018, 16(48).

[2] W. L. Xu, Y. S. Huang, H. R. Zhao, P. Li, G. Y. Liu, J. Li, C. S. Zhu, L. L. Tian, Chem. Eur. J. 2017, 23, 18276-18281.